Vacation Friends 2 | Review & Score

About: Marcus lands an all-expenses-paid trip to a Caribbean resort, and he and his wife, Emily, invite their uninhibited besties, Ron and Kyla. But when Kyla's incarcerated father is released from San Quentin and shows up, things get out of control.

I loved the first Vacation Friends. I had no idea they even had plans to make a sequel, but I'm now glad they did. I liked this one too. I didn't review the first film on here, I might have gave it a score on the score page, but I figured now I would review this one.

First things first, John Cena absolutely steals the show, much like the first film. His comedic timing is some of the best you'll see. He's quick witted and has some great one-liners and isn't much of a one-dimensional character like maybe you would assume coming into this movie (and the first). It's really Cena's show and he grabs your attention the whole time.

Second thing, the whole movie vibed very nicely and didn't overstay its welcome with the run time or pace. It had a pretty choppy story overall, but the acting wasn't bad at all and it has some real funny snippets spread throughout. But I'm just glad it didn't overstay its welcome.

If you're looking for a goofy comedy with some solid chemistry between the cast and another knockout comedic performance from former WWE Champion John Cena - VACATION FRIENDS 2 will be your friend. Give 'er a shot.


