The Fall Guy | Review & Score

About: A drawn-and-out stuntman must find the missing star of his ex-girlfriend's blockbuster film.

Much like the television series before it, THE FALL GUY is a wildly entertaining outing.

Ryan Gosling takes over the role of Colt Seavers from the iconic Lee Majors, and brings with it so much deserved justice. This role was kinda made for someone like Ryan Gosling. I don't think any other actor could have pulled this role off as well, while almost out-entertaining the original.

Emily Blunt is also fantastic in this movie, her chemistry with Gosling was shining bright bright bright throughout. The comedy spots were good, the action was great, the characters are very likable and the story had a spot on run time with the 2 hour mark it had. There were some scenes that dragged a tad bit, but its still a very entertaining outing from the uber talented David Leitch. Leitch was made for directing action movies, especially with him being a former stuntman himself.

It's definitely a movie that was made for seeing in theaters, and I'm so glad that I did just that. It's the first real Summer blockbuster of this year and it did not disappoint. We don't need a sequel in any way, shape or form, but I actually would not be mad at the possibility of one or if they do make that a reality. If you did see this in theaters, I hope you felt the same way I did. If you didn't, you missed out on a great time.


