Red Notice | Review & Score

About: An interpol agent successfully tracks down the world's most wanted art thief with help from a rival thief. But nothing is as it seems as a series of double-crosses ensues.

Ryan Reynolds gives it his all in RED NOTICE, but even he can't save it from being just another generic Dwayne Johnson cheesy one-liner fest. It has some spots of fun and maybe a chuckle or two, but Reynolds easily carries every scene he's featured in. Gal Gadot looks incredible, but even she gets lost in the shuffle of bleh bleh bleh.

Not saying it's a horrible movie by any means, it just has no real character. It feels like the movie knows what it really is and tries to play it off as something more magical, but we're smarter than that. I'm glad this went straight to Netflix and didn't get a box office run - it's much better suited for streaming. Smart move on Johnson and company's part.

That's about it. Nothing more, nothing less. Reynolds and Gadot deserved better.


