The Unholy | Review & Score

About: A hearing-impaired girl is visited by the Virgin Mary and can suddenly hear, speak and heal the sick. As people flock to witness her miracles, terrifying events unfold. Are they the work of the Virgin Mary or something much more sinister?

Another unholy mess. Sam Raimi is usually on par with the projects he chooses to produce, but he did not fare well with THE UNHOLY. They bring in the uber likable Jeffrey Dean Morgan to try and liven things up a bit, and he tries to make something outta nothing - but ultimately it just doesn't get the job done.

This is purely meant for a rent-at-home only type of religious horror swamp. We've seen these before, some are there, some are not - this is not. The actors all try their best, but the material is too lackluster to equal it all out. Bleh.


