The Alpines | Review & Score

About: A psychological thriller that follows seven friends coming together for a weekend getaway after several years of little to no contact. They've grown apart. They've moved on with their lives. But the secrets of their past have come back to haunt them. This time with a very real threat ready to expose every last one.

THE ALPINES is a nice little independent psychological thriller, made with care but lacks some character originality. It's not going to be on a lot of people's radars, but it's a nice enough thriller to get you by if you feel like you've run out of things to watch out there.

It has some great cinematography and it has an idea to it, but the idea runs out of steam halfway down the pike. Its neither a hit or miss, just there and should give some solid enough entertainment value to those looking for something under the radar. The acting is fair, with some taking the material further than others. You'll know the standouts when you see them.


