Independence Day | Review & Score

About: The aliens are coming and their goal is to invade and destroy Earth. Fighting superior technology, mankind's best weapon is the will to survive.

"We can't be consumed by our petty differences anymore. We will be united in our common interests. Perhaps it's fate that today is the Fourth of July, and you will once again be fighting for our freedom... Not from tyranny, oppression, or persecution... but from annihilation."

I decided it was finally time to give a proper review for a long time classic, INDEPENDENCE DAY.

In 1996, we were treated to what would become an instant classic and one that would be rewatched every single year around the time of July 4th. Fitting, right?

I first saw Independence Day when it first came out on VHS (yes, I'm that old). My Dad rented it and we all sat down and watched what would be a staple of American and pop culture for years to come. It was (and is) fantastic filmmaking.

It's a popcorn movie if you've ever seen one, especially for that time. We were spoiled in the '90s.

Overall, looking back on the film and having just watched it, again, a day before writing this review, I can say it is indeed an American culture to rewatch this every year around this time, especially on this day.

Independence Day isn't just one of the most quotable films, it's themes and visuals are what every good cinematic adventure of this caliber should be. The acting is good, the characters have a ton of likability and those visual effects are impressive (for that time). Roland Emmerich knew what he was doing, and he's known for his impressive detail.

If you still haven't yet seen this classic, I suggest you do so. It's a very fun movie with a ton of great visuals and you'll be quoting the hell out of it in due time afterwards (and much longer after).

Happy 4th of July!

and, of course... Happy Independence Day!


